Tourism, Culture and Civil Aviation Minister Mahesh Sharma said the government's target of 1.1 billion in the country to increase the number of tourists is three years. According to the statement in the next three years, one of the world's tourists are ready to welcome percent. The country of 70 million foreign tourists annually. Our goal in the next three years, the percentage of the world's tourists come to the country, which is approximately 1.1 billion Hongelprytn tourist, the leading global social, economic activity and it is also very relevant to the economy. With an investment of Rs 18 million jobs in agriculture, manufacturing and tourism in 45 jobs could be raised to 78 jobs to the tourism economic development is an important component to make.
He said the central government on November 27, 2014 for 43 countries, Electronic Travel Authority (ETA) is introduced. During the last 5 weeks over 22 179 visas are issued online. Of these 43 countries worldwide, approximately 42 per cent of India's tourism market. Home Ministry, China, England, France, Germany, Spain and Italy are also included in the list of countries to ETA have been requested. These countries share 20 per cent of India will bring the global tourism market. He said that the basic structure of government for the development of tourism "National Mission on pilgrimage revival and spiritual promotion (Piarasadi), two and announced plans for the development of five integrated circuits provide additional Rs 500 crore is provided.
He said the central government on November 27, 2014 for 43 countries, Electronic Travel Authority (ETA) is introduced. During the last 5 weeks over 22 179 visas are issued online. Of these 43 countries worldwide, approximately 42 per cent of India's tourism market. Home Ministry, China, England, France, Germany, Spain and Italy are also included in the list of countries to ETA have been requested. These countries share 20 per cent of India will bring the global tourism market. He said that the basic structure of government for the development of tourism "National Mission on pilgrimage revival and spiritual promotion (Piarasadi), two and announced plans for the development of five integrated circuits provide additional Rs 500 crore is provided.